Dec 31, 2007

my 1st EP!!!! jkjk...

i was testing my mp3 recording, coz just realised i can record wav, woohoo!

so i grab my bro, we sang 珊瑚海 (coral sea), haha... cant believe it sounds so clear... trying to put it on this space..but i oni manage to upload and theres a download link on the left column below windows media player.

i m still looking through if i can find a way to post the recording, so ppl can listen while exploring my space

so at the moment if anyone "desperately" wants to listen to my singing (hahaha....) can try to dl by clicking the link, the one with the label "thingz"..

do give some comments plz haha.. tho it sounds quite funny.. (if anyone did dl it and listen)


btw, theng... can listen "男人ktv" in here.. i purposely change my bloggy theme song for u hahaha... feel touch ya

this one is hu yan bin version, i think is betta than justin one... hope everyone enjoy! 

Dec 27, 2007








91.75!!!!!!!!! 我成功了!!!!!!!


从去年的75升到91.75!!!!!!!! 好高兴啊!!!!!!!!


无法形容, 有点可惜为什么昨天要掉眼泪, 浪费了, 哈哈哈哈!!!!!!!!


感谢上苍保佑!!!!! 感谢祖宗!!!! 感谢老师们!!!! 感谢父母!!!!!!!! 感谢朋友们!!!!!! 感谢全天下的人!!!!!!!!! 谢谢大家!!!!!!




就是这种感觉... 宁可让我有目标的, 知道我该伤心, 我会痛哭, 知道我该开心, 我会狂笑, 知道我该生气的, 我会抓狂....

因为我不懂我该有什么情绪... 曾经试过这种感觉, 笑也不是, 哭也不是.... 高兴得不够尽兴, 伤心得不够悲情... 好痛苦....

又或者太多情绪涌上心头, 脑袋一时反应不过来, 反而在该高兴时, 哭了出来, 然后越哭越痛.. f3时拿到PMR成绩就发生了... 想想还蛮好笑..

譬如把很多不同口味但很好喝的饮料参在一起, 出来的味道却怪到难喝...越喝越想吐...





很难过听着别人成绩多好多好, 自己却看不到自己的, 越想越可怕, 觉得自己越来越没可能...

整个漫长夜晚.. 我不想和人任何人聊天...


Dec 26, 2007

nvr feel dat bad...

i nvr feel dat bad b4......!!!!!

cant check my results, wut happen to my acc, wuts my idiot stupid password!!!!!

worst moment eva, as if waiting the time for death sentence... wuts worse than that?! i rather get hanged now!

its suspending......

i m doommed....


Dec 24, 2007


圣诞前夕eh... 每个人都怎么渡过呢....

今天送了爸爸机, 在马来西亚一个人渡过圣诞, 多不好的滋味.... 因为自己也试过一个人在空旷的屋子里, 孤单得令人想哭...

每年圣诞都似乎对我来说没什么意义, 我依然在家update我的blog (去年也一样), 听着静茹姐的<崇拜>(很好听!!)...

多无聊的圣诞.... 也许这世上也有不少人和我一样吧, 哈哈... 祝各位无聊人"圣诞节快乐!!!"

其实昨天都算庆祝了, 和今年的朋友们一个圣诞聚会然后交换礼物(secret santa), 拿到了一个很精美的相簿, 谢谢了clarinda!

而angeline终究和jason在一起了! 不是我所预料的结局(希望和angeline终成眷属的是matt), 不过啊, 毕竟不管我事, 呵呵, 也许世事往往都出乎意料, 只要在一起幸福就好了, 在这里祝两人永浴爱河! 昨天看到大家试着撮合他们, 丢他们去一角那一幕真的很好笑, 两个头低低地害羞, 真的很可爱, 哈哈..还有jason亲手为angeline戴项链,呵呵.. 我好想太八卦了....不过的确很可爱的一对恋人..(羡慕啊!)


其实不管圣诞过的精彩不精彩, 有时即使一个人也可以很快乐, 毕竟过节的意义, 除了团聚, 就是要开心的渡过.

即使我的圣诞如此平凡 (又不热闹, 又无聊, 又没下雪, 还38度!, 又没美食, 也没节目, 更没烟花.....)





Dec 17, 2007

高兴的点滴 (要看完啊各位!)

好意犹未尽啊! 刚在网上看完一篇原创微笑pasta续集(不是真的,可是好希望是真的!),实在写得太棒了,无话可说, 超赞!! 真期待微笑pasta有续集, 如果用这篇原创的就更棒了!

真惨, 中毒好深啊, 哈哈... 怪假期太长, 无聊透顶才无意中发现这部巨作! 想看的人可点击这里--->  微笑pasta2 ^_^ 

个人意见: 感觉比微笑1更好看, 哈哈... (我也是因为栋梁才看..呵呵..), 不禁佩服这续集的作者..嘿嘿..


pasta部分完毕. 说说昨天的点滴. 昨天是爸妈结婚周年庆, 23年喔! 下午去了shopping.. 没什么值得写, 只不过那时心情不太好, 发生了一点事, 也许是我多心, 不过觉得自己有点过份, 感觉对方似乎有些生气 (跟周年庆无关), 不好在这里叙述, 而且太长篇..没人想看, 哈哈 (这blog本来就很冷清..哈哈) (我以后会试着在blog里写比较有趣的事, 或写得较生动, 不然不更新).

我发觉自己真的好像小孩子, 小小事烦一整天, 过不了多久就忘得一干二净, 哈哈... 其实没有, 只不过过一阵子又从低潮回到开朗的心情 (好容易被影响), 过一阵子开心完了, 又回到烦忧..唉.... 哥常说我不会分轻重, 其实也看我在不在乎而已 (好熟悉的一席话..呵呵)

离题了, 呵呵... 元神归位! 喔, 对! 忘了一个重要的细节! 我推掉了前阵子的工作... 原因.. 是... 心情作祟吧... 突然不是很想做那份工了... 很奇怪突然早上起床, 脑袋想的第一件事就是这个, 然后也很清醒般, 少了那份犹豫心, 作了这个决定... 我不知道是对或错.. 而且后悔也太迟了.. 希望.... 不会错....

种种不如意的事过去了 (应该说只是暂时搁下), 晚上开心的气氛把我拉出这低潮. 别人送来几头鲍鱼, 昨天晚上被我们享用了. 晚餐很丰富, 有小羊排, 炸虾球和鱿鱼, salad(我的作品), 当然少不了鲍鱼, 呵呵... 虽然是自己煮的 (其实是爸妈自己煮, 好不孝人家周年庆还要自己下厨, 哈哈) (我们煮的更加不能吃咯!), 跟一流酒家有的比啊! 毕竟吃到的是一份温暖幸福的晚餐, 呵呵. 送了爸妈一对写着 "happy anniversary" 的酒杯 (香滨的), 两老都很喜欢, 不枉我那天放人飞机 (或被人放, 事情很复杂, 上一篇我有提到) 落得一人shopping的苦心啊! 可恶其他人还没还我钱!

吃饱后, 还没尽兴, 我们又去了ktv! 目的其实为找个地方切蛋糕... 妈说我听到要去ktv眼睛发亮了...不想承认, 可是兴奋起来是有"一点"的..




什么??!!! 真的啦! 


第一次和全家一起唱ktv, 感觉好像溏心风暴里的剧情 (他们也这么庆祝父母结婚周年庆), 哈哈... 又点了不少栋梁的歌, 还是很可恨唱不好他的歌, 遗憾哪! 有唱"北极星的眼泪", 和大家一齐唱, 二哥说一人唱一句 (我, 弟和二哥), 这里要解释下...



像断了线 (哥)







愿(我) (又没有搞错?!! 一个字!!!) (超级不愤! 接着唱下句)



很少跟家人玩得那么疯, 哈哈, 在这里先对不起栋梁把你的歌唱烂了, 哈哈.. 到了副歌部分我们都用喊的 (我是因为唱不上去..不是有意的). 很开心! 虽然不是很过瘾 (虽然整夜霸着麦克风), 才一个钟啊! 算了, 因为真的玩得很高兴, 哈哈!


好长喔这篇blog! 突然兴致来了就狂发挥, 呵呵! 希望大家别嫌我罗嗦喔!

Dec 14, 2007

改变... 不如预料的...

试工通过了, 我都说我做得到...可是怎么却不是很想做那份工,发觉自己很感情用事, 做工全看心情, 很不好..怎么变...唉...越来越不喜欢自己,麻烦透顶的自己...

原来要找一份合适的工作好不容易啊, 昨天之前决定要打工因为要回马看栋梁演唱会, 昨天之后惊觉原来演唱会在三月,完了! 怎么回, 看来梦想破灭了.... 这么靠近, 却那么遥远... 那我为什么要延迟开学到七月... 也许以后有机会..我也不明白为何这么坚持非看不可, 中毒了哈哈... 不想那样啊..

其实有想过既然如此不如明年年尾再回, 那打工的事可以慢慢从长计议, 有没有人可以介绍一份工给我啊!

婷... 你不会怪我吧... 年尾你一定有空吧.. 我们旅行的事还存在! 也许延迟而已, 不要生气啊, 而且年尾也比较好安排, 多一点人嘛, 多多好处...

其实不确定, 所以再打算...

Dec 13, 2007

dec 13

i dunno how to describe today...

morning, gd news, sean pass driving test finally, second attempt this time, seems none of my business, but very indirectly affected wut happen to me today. woke up at 6 to accompany my dad and sean for the driving test, then went back home by emm, 9, my lil bro already went school and he took my mobile. mobile... becoz of my mobile!!! suppose to go carousel wif frens today, becoz of the mobile! i cant find them... end up shopping alone.... T.T

hungry jacks havent gimme any call abt the job, so i kinda put very little expectation to it, during the shopping i saw quite number of stores needs workers, still doubting whther i shud ask abt it. i dunno wut happen suddenly got the courage, saw one store in food court need waitress, so i went up to ask, the tauke ask me to come tomolo for trials. hell happy dat time!! i thought i had made a great effort! start feeling proud of myself hahaha!

back home told my family abt it, everyone was doubting me.... confidence i had just now drop from 10 to 0... T.T...ahhhhh.... did i made a wrong decision??!!! is the job dat bad??!! rather do hungry jacks?!! i admit i m very easily influenced, cant imagine i was cheering in the afternoon, end up sighing now.... haih.... thought u guys shud support me, i m discouraged..... haih 

btw, feel very sorry for angeline for worrying me... millions of appologies.. i didnt know my bro took my phone so i cant contact u, didnt mean to not reply u, very very sorry...   

Dec 12, 2007

dec 11 post

i m here! i dunno how did i managed to pass my life for the past few days, but i did it! (sacasticly.. haha)

life as usual, i slowly realised life is seriously meaningless.... hmm basically i m sorta isolated, staying at home everyday... i m not dat kind of person dat always take the initiative to call out others.. to gather around, or throw a party.. usually the one being asked to join, kinda sorry for those that did so much but at the end mess up (not refering to anyone), so i m very scared to make the 1st move.. probably same thing during confession haha.. but always.. thers one person that will raise the party to peak... (i think i gone too far)

i applied for job in hungry jacks, dont really know shud i work there... shud change my attitude, less doubt! quit being blurry! had enuf! (and quit talking to urself!) hahaha... still waiting for them to call at the moment... whether i will i get in or not... let the god decide.. haha

i just checked the cost of air tickets, perth to singapore return one oni $410aud!!! by next yr may... omg so cheap!! just gotta earn money! problem is singapore to malaysia... not tiger air mayb a bit more expensive.. anyway still long (hope the tickets not sold out).

possibly, if coincide wif nic concerts.... ahh my dream, really hope dat happens.. hahaha..

now just gotta work! gambateh!  

Dec 2, 2007

hair tragedy...

时常在perth会看到一个现象,抱歉我不是指灵异现象,与其说是现象,其实比较像是asians的习俗了,尤其是男人(穷的),虽然并不是每个asian都那样... 对,我指的是飘洋过海到这里的朋友们...

会看到那些人一开始头发留得帅帅的,假设是年头来这里,那年尾再看就看到一头又长又乱的头发.... 不奇怪,这里剪头发很贵,去发型屋剪个头都要20左右,干脆不剪,回去祖国才剪,第二年回来又看到一头帅气的发型....

我也曾经留了一头长到一半背的秀发,直到去年我去剪了,因为太难洗头,过后再剪,变成boyhair,因为打着chemo不剪不能,chemo也令到我大半的头发脱了,之后留长一阵子...就在今年头吧..我又剪,为了让头发看来平均,那时我几乎哭了出来,剪得我看来太幼稚,不用紧...那时我是被一位从马六甲来的大婶剪,在她家自己开的小小发型屋,过后也认命所以之后决定不再 “帮儭”她了....


刚才又去剪头发了,妈说头发修修一下,有点不平均,所以! 我去剪了,这次是朋友妈妈介绍的,也是在家经营,被一个二十岁左右的女人剪,还没剪前真的觉得很不安,毕竟不是第一次头发被剪坏,妈说放心... 结果...


头发短了,整体来说是超级糟糕!!!!我真的真的没脸去见人了!!!啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!不知道怎么说总之是非常烂!!! 大婶!我承认您剪得算很不错了...好后悔为什么要去剪头发啊!我发誓从此以后不再perth剪了!管他平均不平均我都不会在这里剪!!awwwwww.....好想哭.....Crying

Dec 1, 2007

random update

finally... i handed in the application form... and yes, i picked computer science... although i still applied for vet, anyways is hopeless... tend to think a lot these days, no results, i wish i had not make a wrong decision.. dats all i cud do now..

finish uni problems! now waiting for results... and L, and job...

job... so others ask me to work in hungry jacks as well, another fuss, not dat i don wanna work there, since the last "job experience" i had somehow scared the same thing wud happen, i don wanna undergo the same process of resignation coz i knew i wud not work long in there..(mayb).. then where shud i be working.. sigh i have no idea.. so don ask me to apply it just in case.. better think a little longer.. continue this kind of holiday i might rot soon... ahhh is progressing... wut can i say, I M STUCK IN PERTH!!!!