Nov 27, 2007

decision.. crucial

i dunno if its the right choice to pick computer science, i dunno anything else i cud study, as if picking my couse blindfolded now, so scared i will make wrong decision...hand trembling... wut to do, ahh, god..plz guide me to the best path... i m so scared...time running out too..





how easy a person to get crazy... and i m nearly there...haih...


i was thinking for whole day today, still cant make up my mind... plus sean say i m not capable.. then wut... wut else can i do, i know i m a noob, ahh super noobie! i know nothing abt computer and yet i dunno y i pick computer (i havent actually pick), but seriously wut else i can do... miserable being a human.... worry for this and that... mayb dad was right, cant compare, every career has its own gd, being best of the one is gd enuf, yet sean words drag my determination away, shud i still pick computer science...

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