Aug 2, 2009

赖床... 赖电脑... 赖死不走...

我完了 整个下午都在做什么?!!

好颓废啊 真的 开学了一个星期依然如此

已经习惯了十一二点起床 即使把闹钟设定了九点 但好爱赖床



电脑是邪恶的 但却心甘情愿同流合污

我没on9 只是用了这大半时间阅读某个新迷上电视剧人物的blog (这一行大概需要一点时间消化理解)

从06年读到09年 啊啊啊啊 搞乜啊你?!

要读书了 要读书了 这四个字从起床说到现在

我print了chem tut questions 和明天的human bio lecture notes 只是到现在它们仍然待在printer上

摆放时间久了些 应该已积了些尘埃和霉菌 啊! e.coli!

哈哈 最近迷上了这专业名词 升级成我十大最爱的bacteria (竟然有这样的排行榜!) 相信受我强烈影响的那"两人"也有同感哈哈 ("你"一定在笑!Tongue out)


对不起这篇一定很无聊 原谅我就是这样的女生 哈哈 为penny打广告 这首歌蛮好听

发觉自己文笔改变好多啊 很开心 我有新蜕变 可以尝试这种抽象风格 因为我不知道自己在写什么 (会不会著名的毕加索大师就是抱着这样的心态来创作?)


放弃了 也许明天我会早去学校做功课 呵呵"也许"....... 

哦 对 祝亲爱的ling ling明天生日快乐! 哈哈 喜欢这样的称呼吗? 我都起鸡皮疙瘩了.... :P

ok 够了 催眠自己: 要读书了 要读书了 要读书了 要读书了....... (x infinity)    


  1. oi e coli! haha thanks alot ah.. being celine-ized liao ><thanks for the lovely mp3/4 :D so happy leh.. :D

  2. Gosh, you had to have your blog in another language lol

  3. Eunice: haha, happen to be that u getting over paranoid of e.coli, i just find it "cute" haha. No worries, rmb u owe me, muahahaha..Melvin: wow , this is rare... haha nehhh.. u just need to be more celine-ized and eunice-ized to be able to read this. (i m quite sure u can at least read "e.coli")

  4. So funny...Long time not come here la... I should leave sth here...but my brain contains too much human bio things...I don't know how to say this...Too bad? or Too wat... U can add by urself la...Late nite, always make me so sleepy...Otherwise stay on Facebook to find sb to chat...simple life, also boring life...Hoping this sem could finish ASAP...Therefore, I can fly back to HK...Haha....Hoping u can get up early every day morning...Haha..
